« Last post by A Lost Boy on September 06, 2023, 04:27:45 am »
Rules and Guidelines
Section 1 - Membership:
- You must be at least 13 years of age to become a new member. If you are discovered to be underage, your account will be temporarily banned until we can safely assume you have reached the minimum age requirement. You must report your date of birth accurately.
Section 2 - Content:
- Do not post anyone's personal information, including your own. If you want to share your own, keep it to DMs.
- Please use common sense to judge situations that seem unfair. If you can't resolve it by yourself, either move on or email me. You can use the Contact tab to do so.
- You may report a user/their content if they appear to be violating these guidelines via the built-in report tool or the Contact form. However, please provide a link to the content/user profile if you do use the Contact form.
- Post content in the appropriate sections. Check to see if the topic exists before creating a new one. If the topic you want to discuss doesn’t exist, create it or suggest major topics to me via the Contact tab.
- Don't post content containing excessively vulgar language, themes, or media. If you're not sure, don't post it. Mild violence and sexual themes are permitted, provided you add a CONTENT WARNING like so: (CW: harrassment)
- Be nice. We all want to feel validated on the internet. If you wouldn't like being told what you're about to say, then don't say it.
- Don't post anything if you wouldn't want the world to see it. I do my best to keep this site clean and free from threats, but I can't promise that all aspects of the site will be fully protected.
- We have teens of all ages here - please keep the site relatively clean and respectful for all of us to feel comfortable.
Section 3 - Media:
- All media must follow the above guidelines as well as the following: media must NOT contain graphic depictions of violence, harassment/abuse, excessively political themes, or anything illegal.
- Photos of people that are not freely and legally available elsewhere on the Internet must have the consent of those depicted in the image. Please add a content warning (see above examples) and crop/censor anything explicit when needed. You MAY NOT post any media where the primary focus is sexual.
- No advertising of any form that requires a transaction involving fictitious or real currency. This does not apply to threads focused on role-playing, where currency may be essential. Additionally, you may not advertise any other forum with the intent of directing users away from The Sleepy Society. You may, however, link your YouTube, Twitter, or other social accounts for the purpose of promoting your content.
- External links/embeds should have a warning applied to the post title/subject.
Section 4 - Behavior:
- No form of discrimination against someone based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, culture, ideology, sexuality, attraction, opinion, or anything else of the sort will be tolerated, ever. Consider this your warning.
- No abuse of any kind will be tolerated at all, ever. If someone (or any living thing, for that matter) would be hurt by what you're about to post, then don't post it. Consider this your warning.
Section 5 - Everything else:
- This article is not final - rules will be added/modified as necessary in the future. As a member, it is YOUR responsibility to read the rules periodically and act accordingly, as this document may be updated without notice.
Questions? Use the Contact page at the top. Please don’t abuse of it. I get direct emails for everything sent through it.